~~ 五月是個忙碌的月份, 楊莉莉青花園區5/20開幕,歡迎大家來走走; 5/16-6/3 楊莉莉青花工作室聯展@新北市藝文中心's藝廊展出 ~~




藍儂青花瓷馬桶要拍賣 拿來種花四十年

利物浦下星期將舉辦第三十三屆披頭四大會。大會上將拍賣一些披頭四的紀念品。其中有藍儂以前在巴克夏家裡的馬桶。這個白底上面有藍色花卉圖案的馬桶,後來重新裝潢的時候就拆了下來。他讓設計師帶回去當花盆用。設計師還真拿來當花器用了四十年。這次跟馬桶一起拍賣的還有一張單軌錄音的兩個處女的唱片和一張他跟小野洋子灌製的黑膠唱片。拍賣商希望這個馬桶花盆可以賣到一千英鎊,大約五萬台幣。更新日期:2010/08/23 15:05

Lennon's toilet in Liverpool Beatles auction

John Lennon's toilet and one of his rarest albums are to be auctioned at Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts.
The lavatory from Tittenhurst Park, his Berkshire home between 1969 and 1972, and a mono-sound copy of Two Virgins go on sale on Saturday.
The toilet which he gave to his builder for use as a plant pot is expected to fetch up to £1000.

The toilet was stored at builder John Hancock's shed for 40 years until he died recently.
Beatles expert and auction organiser Stephen Bailey said: "The toilet might be worth something, and it might not, but it is certainly one of the more unusual items we've sold."

