~~ 五月是個忙碌的月份, 楊莉莉青花園區5/20開幕,歡迎大家來走走; 5/16-6/3 楊莉莉青花工作室聯展@新北市藝文中心's藝廊展出 ~~



藍儂的青花瓷馬桶(續集) -- GOING GOING GONE. 恭喜高價賣出

摘自 NOWnews今日新聞網

John Lennon's toilet
成交! 約翰藍儂的青花馬桶價值9,500英鎊!.
Lennon used the lavatory between 1969 and 1972
An overseas collector has paid £9,500 for John Lennon's toilet at an auction in Liverpool.
The porcelain lavatory was used by the music legend during the three years he lived at Tittenhurst Park, Berkshire, between 1969 and 1972.
Lennon gave it to builder John Hancock, telling him "to use it as a plant pot" after he installed a new toilet.
It was expected to sell for £1,000 but the investor broke the estimate at the 33rd Beatles Convention in Liverpool.
Fab Four expert and auction organiser Stephen Bailey said: "It is unbelievable.
"We had bids coming in from all over the place but it went to a private overseas buyer."
The sale took place in the The Paul McCartney Auditorium at The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts.
The toilet had been stored in Mr Hancock's shed at home for nearly 40 years, until he died recently.

